"I love the Tobacco & Bay Leaf! It's so smooth! 'Satin Bubbles' is the perfect name to describe the lather!"
Soap Goddess (Bubbly Family Given Name)
Greetings Bubbly Family! My name is Tiffany and I am the Soaper & Content Creator behind the products you love. As you can see, your support has been overwhelming and I am currently restocking the site. It may be moving slowly, for that I apologize, but I have not given in!
You have spoken and I have listened. So many of you are allergic to coconut, which has lead to me to do research on an oil that will accommodate you and your skin. You and your family can look forward to a new ingredient, "Babassau".
I truly appreciate your honest feedback, tips and frank discussions regarding your skin. You are welcome to follow me along this journey as I navigate life, the love of serving others, and personal growth!
"I love the Tobacco & Bay Leaf! It's so smooth! 'Satin Bubbles' is the perfect name to describe the lather!"
"When I am ready to pamper myself, I pull out my creamy coffee scrub & body oil. My skin feels so amazing and smooth!"
"I absolutely LOVE Satin Bubbles! I love how easy it is to gift to friends and family!"